Residential Status Change Form

Warren Wilson College is a deliberate community. It is desired that most students live on campus throughout their enrollment to allow them to be fully engaged in the college community.

Please fill out this form if you would like to have your housing status changed. Requests to change status mid-semester will be reviewed on a case by case basis. You will be contacted to confirm your change in status.

If you are already living on campus and are requesting to move off, due to the current academic year housing contract signed at the beginning of the academic
year, students going on-line and wanting to move off-campus need to complete this form. There is a space below where you must provide an explanation of why you want to move off-campus as there could be financial implications.

* Please note that your Financial Aid may be revised for any change to your housing status and that your Billing will be revised if your Residential Status changes.

If "other", please indicate the date you are requesting the change to be effective
I wish to continue working for my current work crew if approved by the Work Program Office?*
I request to leave campus housing and become registered as a day student?*
(I understand that I will be charged a $500 per semester fee once registered as a day student.)
What is your off campus address?*
I request to return to campus housing and become a residential student*
*All students who live on campus must participate in the Work Program